2022-09-30 11:07


President Ro<em></em>nald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan greet Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa outside the White House before a State Dinner, Dec. 8, 1987. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, holds his wife Raisa's hand as they arrive at the State Department in Washington on Dec. 9, 1987 for a luncheon in their honor. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Mrs. Raisa Gorbachev flanked by her husband on the right, and Mrs. R. Venkatarman, wife of India President, on the left, beams with a fashio<em></em>nable dress as they gathered at the welcome ceremony, Friday, Nov. 18, 1988 in New Delhi, India. Gorbachevs arrive for a three-day official visit. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev and his wife Raisa stroll to the polling place near their residence in Moscow on Sunday, March 26, 1989. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife Raisa pose for photographers during a tour of the Great Wall in Beijing, China, Wednesday, May 17, 1989. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.East German State and Party Leader Erich Honackar, right, smiles when toasting with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, center, and Raisa Gorbachev, Saturday, Oct. 7, 1989 in Eastern Berlin, Eastern Germany. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, with his wife Raisa at left, talks with spectators during a walk through an outdoor pedestrian mall in Ottawa, Tuesday, May 29, 1990. Gorbachev was in Canada for a two-day visit before heading to Washington for the 1990 superpower summit. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.President George Bush and his wife Barbara, pose with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa, as they arrive for the state dinner at the White House in Washington on Thursday, May 31, 1990. When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, right, and his wife Raisa co<em></em>ngratulate Soviet Natio<em></em>nal Orchestra director Yeugueni Svetlanov after attending a co<em></em>ncert by his orchestra on Saturday, Oct. 27, 1990 in Madrid, Spain.When Mikhail Gorbachev is buried Saturday at Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery, he will o<em></em>nce again be next to his wife, Raisa, with whom he shared the world stage in a visibly close and loving marriage that was unprecedented for a Soviet leader. Gorbachev's very public devotion to his family broke the stuffy mold of previous Soviet leaders, just as his openness to political reform did.

当米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)周六在莫斯科新世相公墓(Novodevichy Cemetery)下葬时,他将再次站在妻子赖莎(Raisa)的身旁。他与妻子以一种明显亲密而充满爱的婚姻共享世界舞台,这对苏联领导人来说是前所未有的。

“他们是真正的一对。她是他的一部分,几乎总是在他身边,”1999年,时任德国总理的赫尔穆特·科尔(Helmut Kohl)在莱莎的葬礼上说。戈尔巴乔夫在葬礼上公开哭泣。“如果没有他的妻子,他所取得的许多成就是无法想象的。”


“他爱一个女人胜过爱他的工作。我认为,如果他的双手沾满鲜血,他就不可能拥抱她。”诺贝尔和平奖得主、俄罗斯主要独立报纸《新报》(Novaya Gazeta)编辑德米特里•穆拉托夫(Dmitry Muratov)写道。该酒店由戈尔巴乔夫共同拥有,在莫斯科入侵乌克兰后,迫于官方压力被迫关闭。







2009年,他发行了一张包含7首浪漫歌曲的CD《songs for Raisa》,与俄罗斯著名音乐家兼吉他手安德烈·马卡列维奇(Andrei Makarevich)一起演唱。销售流向赖莎创办的慈善机构。几年后,他出版了一本献给她的书《独自一人》(Alone with Myself)。





米哈伊尔霍多尔科夫斯基(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)是后苏联时代早期的一名商人,目前流亡在伦敦。他本周在推特上说,戈尔巴乔夫的一大长处是他能够洗去“对皇位上的人的敬畏”,他对家庭的关注是这一点的一部分。
